Monday 23 September 2013

The Sad Carrot V

Hello, bian v'nue and hi, today i wished to tell everyone that first of all the last post on pleasure was courtesy of Wikipedia and you can easily access the whole page by searching for pleasure on Wikipedia. So onto the main topic of the day: The Sad Carrot V!!! I realised I should make this movie as I had already made four other movies in two consecutive years. Since the standard of the last four movies was so high I will have to talk about being high.
 High is a film released in 1967, directed by Larry Kent and starring Lanny Beckman, Astri Thorvik, Peter Mathews, Joyce Cay, and Denis Payne. It was filmed in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
It is likely most-remembered for being banned by the censors of Quebec (immediately before its premiere at the Montreal Film Festival) for its use of drugs, nudity, and explicit sex scenes.
In defense, celebrities such as Jean Renoir, Fritz Lang, and even Warren Beatty came to High 's defense as a film of art, rather than gratuity.
Alan King and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, the winners of the 1967 Montreal Film Festival, went so far as to share with Larry Kent the prize money they had won.

So I am proud to say that the Sad Carrot V is underway and I have been told by Jeff and Ian that they will be starring in it and there will also be a strong female role in this movie.

So thank you for reading and be sure to check out the sad carrot webiste


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Sad carr said...

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