Friday, 27 September 2013


You know, i really enjoy this. so. You want to know about the Sad Carrot V and how its going? Well Its going well i guess I could put a bit more effort into the creation of the movie but I have made the start sequence and it is readily good and pleasure.

You'll see the Latex plant below

Theres also some Russian

Ben did the Russian


Look at my site


So on this weeks agenda: Talk about the development, reply to comments and inform all of you pleasant followers of another fun topic! So enjoy. Welcome, hi this is casual. Fun. So the Sad Carrot V! The film is going well and I have developed a few new characters. I am going to also address a lot of issues regarding racial, homophobic and sexist dicrimination. So onto a different topic my recent comments must be replyed to. The first is Mr Blackmore's comment stating 'Yummy Mummy'. I must of course reply as to saying that this involves a page on the internet named Bing images and how if you type the words 'Yummy Mummy' it will not quit the page if that is your desired position. Next we can go to the comment saying 'I am so please that i want yum yum' well, I am pleased to inform you that yum yum will be availiable on my blog so enjoy. Also the 200 words featuring vagina and cream are very inspirational and I will have yum yum tonight thanks to them. So random shit time!

Met het bleken van de anus wordt bedoeld dat de donkere pigment op en rond de anus wordt gebleekt. Er bestaan geen andere dan cosmetische redenen voor een dergelijke behandeling.
Voor het bleken van de anus werd vaak een crème gebruikt die voor ongeveer 20% bestaat uit het werkzame bestanddeel hydrochinon, een waarschijnlijk kankerverwekkende stof[1] waarvan het gebruik in meerdere landen, waaronder Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, verboden is. Tegenwoordig kan het bleken van de anus met een gel worden gedaan die het natuurlijke bestanddeel Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract bevat. Dit bestanddeel van de zoethoutplant heeft geen schadelijke bijwerkingen, maar juist een verzorgend effect op de huid. Het resultaat is niet direct zichtbaar, maar pas na ongeveer twee tot vier weken.



Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Welcome, hello, bian v'nue all that crap and hello! Today is finally the day everyone has been waiting for. I am going to start on the Sad Carrot V! I will be designing the 2013 Sad Carrot and will start on the opening scene. I would also like to announce that this will be the best of the Sad Carrot saga! It will feature never before seen animations and will have emotional and relevant music as well as a well written script. So as of today the project for the Sad Carrot V will be open.

Be Sure to check out the Sad Carrot website


Will Day (Head designer of the Sad Carrot saga)

Monday, 23 September 2013

The Sad Carrot V

Hello, bian v'nue and hi, today i wished to tell everyone that first of all the last post on pleasure was courtesy of Wikipedia and you can easily access the whole page by searching for pleasure on Wikipedia. So onto the main topic of the day: The Sad Carrot V!!! I realised I should make this movie as I had already made four other movies in two consecutive years. Since the standard of the last four movies was so high I will have to talk about being high.
 High is a film released in 1967, directed by Larry Kent and starring Lanny Beckman, Astri Thorvik, Peter Mathews, Joyce Cay, and Denis Payne. It was filmed in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
It is likely most-remembered for being banned by the censors of Quebec (immediately before its premiere at the Montreal Film Festival) for its use of drugs, nudity, and explicit sex scenes.
In defense, celebrities such as Jean Renoir, Fritz Lang, and even Warren Beatty came to High 's defense as a film of art, rather than gratuity.
Alan King and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, the winners of the 1967 Montreal Film Festival, went so far as to share with Larry Kent the prize money they had won.

So I am proud to say that the Sad Carrot V is underway and I have been told by Jeff and Ian that they will be starring in it and there will also be a strong female role in this movie.

So thank you for reading and be sure to check out the sad carrot webiste

Friday, 20 September 2013

Development Overview

Weekly Development Overview

Welcome, bian v'nue and καλωσόρισμα! This is to be the first of the weekley development overviews so i hope it pleases you in every way possible. Sorry I might make a slight detour and talk about pleasure. Pleasure comes in many forms. Pleasure describes the broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria. In psychology, the pleasure principle describes pleasure as a positive feedback mechanism, motivating the organism to recreate in the future the situation which it has just found pleasurable. According to this theory, organisms are similarly motivated to avoid situations that have caused pain in the past.[citation needed]

The experience of pleasure is subjective and different individuals will experience different kinds and amounts of pleasure in the same situation. Many pleasurable experiences are associated with satisfying basic biological drives, such as eating, exercise, sex or defecation. Other pleasurable experiences are associated with social experiences and social drives, such as the experiences of accomplishment, recognition, and service. The appreciation of cultural artifacts and activities such as art, music, and literature is often pleasurable.
In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding the brain mechanisms underlying pleasure.[1] One of the key discoveries was made by Kent C. Berridge who has shown that pleasure is not a unitary experience. Rather, pleasure consists of multiple brain processes including liking, wanting and learning subserved by distinct yet partially overlapping brain networks.[2] In particular, this research has been helped by the use of objective pleasure-elicited reactions in humans and other animals such as the behavioral ‘liking’/‘disliking’ facial expressions to tastes that are homologous between humans and many other mammals.[3]
Recreational drug use can be pleasurable: some drugs, illicit and otherwise, directly create euphoria in the human brain when ingested. The mind's natural tendency to seek out more of this feeling (as described by the pleasure principle) can lead to dependence and addiction. Berridge and Robinson have proposed that addiction results from drugs hijacking the ‘wanting’ system through a sensitization of the mesolimbic dopamine system

So theres all the pleasure. Onto to weekly development overview. This week I have made no attempt in creating the Sad Carrot V but I can assure you work will commence as soon as possible and this movie will be the best of the entire Sad Carrot Saga. To watch other Sad Carrot movies simply go to:


Thursday, 19 September 2013


Sad Carrot Deveolpers Blog
This being the first post of the new Sad Carrot I would like to welcome you all. I hope you enjoy my presence as many others before have. I would like to inform everyone here that the Sad Carrot V is currently underway and will be good. So there it is.